Focus Awards Level 4 Award in Investigative Consultation and Advanced Skin Assessment (RQF)
Course Specification Number: 603/7286/2
Course Information
The aim of the Focus Awards Level 4 Award in Investigative Consultation and Advanced Skin
Assessment (RQF) is to provide learners with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to
carry out investigative consultations and advanced skin analysis, and to be able to understand and
identify different skin types and conditions.
Course Units:
Provide investigative consultation and advanced
skin assessment
Entry Requirements
Minimum age 18+
Progression Routes
Learners seeking progress from this qualification can advance their skills further through the
Focus Awards Level 4 Certificate in Aesthetic Practice Core Knowledge and Advanced Skin Science (RQF)
Focus Awards Level 4 Diploma in Advanced Skin Science and Clinical Aesthetic Procedures
Focus Awards Level 4 Certificate in Skin Needling Treatments (RQF)